


  • 14
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 江苏省 常州 常州市三河口工业园
  • 姓名: 刘经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:食品机械 食品通用设备 搓圆成型
  • 发布日期:2013-07-28
  • 阅读量:48
  • 价格:88000.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:LBF120
  • 产品数量:1.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:江苏常州  
  • 关键词:LBF旋流流化床制粒包衣机,旋流制粒机,旋流流化床造粒机


    LBF系列旋流床制粒包衣机  设备名称:LBF旋流流化床制粒包衣机
    LBF Turbojet Fluid-bed Granulator Coater
    应用概述 :General of applications
    ※LBF 旋流流化床制粒包衣机是将流化床做成叶片式结构的流化床,并使叶片呈一定斜度,让
    ※LBF Turbojet fluid-bed granulator coater has vane-shape bottom of hopper which has a certain lean, let the air flow pass through the rift then form circle-shape strong air flow, it makes material rotate as regular turbojet movement. 
    Meanwhile the pneumatic nozzle installed under left wall spray binder or coating liquid into turbojet material, in this way granule or successive even film can be obtained.
    ※It is widely used in coating of powder, granule, pellet, enteric-releasing, slow and control releasing, and coating of smell covering, dam proof, antioxidation, water proof, heat isolation dyeing and separation etc.
    设备特点: Features of equipment
    ※ 旋流驱动空气分配器,确保物料有序运动 
    ※ 旋流流态化,克服了沟流及死角 
    ※ 制得的颗粒多孔、速溶,并具备一定强度,不易破碎 
    ※ 吸潮性和流动性差的物料也能制成合格的颗粒 
    ※Rotational flow drives air distributor in order to guarantee that material can move in order. 
    ※Because of fluidization of rotational flow, it overcomes channel flow and died corner. 
    ※The prepared granule is porous and can solve quickly and also has certain strength and is not easy to break. 
    ※For materials such as Chinese traditional medicine and moisture-adsorbed materiality is easy to operate.
    技术参数:Technical Data 
    项目Item 机型 Specification 
    名称Name 单位
    Unit 0.5 5 10 15 30 60 90 120 200 300 500 800~1000 
    投料量Capacity kg/批
    kg/batch 0.5 5 10 15 30 60 90 120 200 300 500 按用户要求制作(By URS ) 
    风机功率Power of fan kw 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 18.5 22 30 55 
    Compressive air m3 /m 0.45 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.8 2.4 3 
    蒸汽耗量Consumption of steam kg/h 36 41 53 71 95 143 167 183 343 381 450 
    主机尺寸Installation size for reference H1 (mm) 2600 2600 2300 2450 2450 3050 3050 3050 3500 3700 4050 
    H2 (mm)     250 320 340 490 540 590 690 790 890 
    H3 (mm)     2100 2250 2250 2850 2850 2850 3300 3500 3850 
    φ1 (mm) 300 550 550 650 700 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600 1800 
    φ2 (mm) 150 180 180 250 250 280 280 280 280 315 355 
    B1(mm) 1550 1650 1010 1110 1160 1460 1560 1660 1860 2060 2260 
    B2(mm)     1560 1760 1860 2460 2660 2860 3260 3660 4060 
    L(mm) 800 850 1100 1100 1250 1530 1530 1650 1650 1750 1850 
    所有尺寸仅作参考, 视物料情况, 本公司拥有变更权利, 并不另行通知. 
    *All sizes are used for reference only. According to the condition of material, our factory has the right change but not notice, pardon!

    欢迎来到常州市钱江干燥设备工程有限公司网站, 具体地址是江苏省常州常州市三河口工业园,联系人是刘经理。 主要经营闪蒸干燥机、流化床干燥机、喷雾干燥机、带式干燥机、 沸腾制粒干燥机、 *沸腾干燥机、脱水蔬菜干燥机、双锥回转真空干燥机、方型真空干燥机、空心桨叶干燥机、盘式干燥机、气流干燥机、冷冻干燥机、球形抛丸机、多功能制粒包衣机、干法造粒机、污泥处理设备、鸡精生产设备、。 单位注册资金未知。 价格战,是很多行业都有过的恶性竞争,不少厂家为了在价格战役中获胜,不惜以牺牲产品质量为代价,而我们公司坚决杜绝价格战,坚持用**的原材料及先进的技术确保产品质量,确保消费者的合法利益。